We offer a full range of residential and commercial landscaping, and snow removal services. With Presidential Lawn Care, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your home or business will be looking its best.

Lawn Mowing & Lawn Clean-up

LAWN MOWING – On a regularly scheduled, weekly basis, we tend your lawn with properly trained personnel, appropriate and well-maintained equipment. This service includes weekly mowing and trimming of all grass areas as well as edging along concrete walks, driveways, and patios every two weeks.
EDGING – The service is performed at your option and with an additional charge when edging along concrete walks and driveways because it will require more time than usual. This extra time is normally a result of edging not having been done regularly or recently.
Turf treatment/aeration/thatching

AERATION – This procedure is becoming better known and utilized because it’s effective in loosening compacted soil and clay. Doing this helps control and prevent water run off, dry spots and certain diseases. Water can then get to the roots of the grass and begin to work systematically.
POWER RAKING – This procedure removes the naturally occurring accumulation of thatch (dead grass and root material) from your lawn. Doing so allows water and nutrients to be more uniformly and quickly absorbed and for new grass sprouts to grow more easily. When done correctly, there is a slight amount of thatch left behind. This assures some protection for the new grass and acts as a means for water retention.
Landscape Renovation/ Mulch/Rock Delivery

GROUNDS KEEPING – We offer several things under our grounds keeping category to include leaf raking, bush trimming, bed cleaning, etc. In addition, we can offer re-mulching, sod, some rock work, edging, etc. Call us today to see if we can help you make your lawn beautiful and your space inviting.
Spring/Fall Clean-up/Gutter Maintenance

CLEAN UP – We keep your property clean of leaves and debris in the changing seasons. Keeping your lawn and landscaping clean is not only good for aesthetic value of your home or business, but it can also help lessen allergy symptoms by minimizing allergens created by leaves and plant debris.
Debris Removal

Most property owners with any amount of property take time to keep their yard and landscaping looking nice and appealing. This means not only maintenance like mowing lawns, pruning shrubs and trees, trimming plants and flowers, and so on, but also the need for yard waste removal.
What if you have a large property or numbers of shrubs and trees? And what if you’re contemplating a major landscaping project? This can easily mean that your yard waste and debris is more than you can easily dispose of yourself.
This is when professional yard waste removal becomes an option to consider, so call us and we will solve your problem.
Irrigation Maintenance/Repair

SPRINKLERS – We provide complete and dependable sprinkler maintenance service. From estimating for a new installation or up-grade, to start-up and fall winterization and anything in between, just call us. We’ll do it right and on time.
Tree and Shrub Care Brush Hog Services/Small Tree Removal

TREE TRIMMING – Proper trimming and pruning of tree limbs on a regular basis will improve a trees strength and health. Trimming enhances overall appearance and provides protection from storm damage. Our skilled workers can take care of all your tree and shrubs needs.
Snow Removal & Ice Management

Snow Removal & Ice Management
From Our Clients